Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Reestablishing Intermediate Rough

Winter kill of rough areas lead to the decision to eliminate the intermediate rough cut and courtesy walks for this season.  Other factors include the additional chemical expenses and labor required to keep the intermediates and walkways healthy. 

As many remember, the roughs sustained a significant set back from the harsh winter weather.  The seemingly successful fall seeding and establishment of Ryegrass turf, performed the previous fall, did not survive the winter.  As a result, an additional spring seeding of the intermediate rough and various rough areas became necessary to reestablish viable turf.  To hasten the reestablishment and allow the new seedlings to mature, the intermediates received a heavy fertilization program and a very limited mowing schedule. Once the turf reached a point of maturity in late June, reducing the mowing height during the anticipated warmer weather would be injurious to the new turf.

Jose Alonzo, one of our 15 year veterans, reestablishing the intermediate cut. 

As the roughs continue to mature and the likelihood of extended hot weather conditions diminish, we have began to reestablish the intermediate cut as of today. The courtesy walks will require some additional time this fall to prepare them for the 2015 season.

In addition, we will begin establishing a small approach area in front of #17 pond to provide an acceptable drop area for balls entering the hazard.  The area will be at the intermediate height of cut and mowed three days per week to provide a consistent surface.        

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